wherefore doth I exist?

This site…

…is a digital garden, which is both a fantastic concept, and a fancy way of saying it’s whatever I feel like it should be. For now, we’ve got the categories you see in the nav-bar. Feel free to visit the homepage to get a glimpse at the latest postings from across the site.

As a disclaimer, this site represents my own personal opinions and work, and has no connection to, or association with, any employer, past, present, or future.

I am…

…Michael, a wild polymath who lives out in California. I work by day as a product and technology leader in the tech industry. My hobbies include examining everything through the lens of physics. I think a great vacation is spending a couple weeks in a new city, ensconsed in cafes, speed-running an online class. And I believe that self-improvement, in every form, is simultaneously an art, a skill, and a lot of fun.

How do I reach you?

If it’s short, message me on Twitter: @carpdiem.

If it’s long, you can email me at “mail -AT- usuallypragmatic -DOT- com”.